Do you / does your organization need PPE? We are happy to help!
Who can we help?
Our Protective Equipment is suitable for health/care workers, people in a contact profession or people who are in a risk group.
Different situations / purposes / applications place different demands on the PPE. Most products manufactured by hobbyists (such as ours) are suitable for use by the aforementioned groups.
We mainly focus on those who are not (yet) supplied from other channels.
What can we offer?
The MAKERS4ALL volunteers make PPE by means of 3D-Printing. We offer them for free ! We only ask you to pay the shipping cost (if applicable). Of course it is much appreciated if you can also make a donation. That's what keeps us going!
At this moment, we make Face-Shields (Face masks), Earsaver Clips and Spacer Clips for masks.
All items are easy to clean and to reuse! Instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.

- Beware! Depending on the usage situation, a Face-Shield must be worn in combination with a (specific type of) mouth mask, or can be used without one. To contribute to the search for the relevance of Face-Shields, we refer to the tab at the bottom of this page: Use of Face-Shields - articles/literature. Consult (if applicable) the most recent guidelines from your industry association.
We are not a manufacturing company or 3D printing factory, but instead a group of enthusiastic makers, equipped with a 3D printer at home. We ask everyone who joins us to work according to a Hygiene Guideline, drawn up by an Infection Prevention teacher, in line with the RIVM guidelines. The Hygiene Guideline can be read at the bottom of the MAKERS page.
How can you request our items?
As soon as you fill out the form that appears upon clicking the pink button below, we will start processing your request!
We can only help you, if while filling out the request form, you agree to the 'Release of liability' below. The MAKER that is going to handle your request (usually the nearest MAKER) will contact you as soon as the items are ready. We work with priorities (care comes first) and levels of urgency and ask for your understanding.
(Also report your shortages in PPE to the Landelijk Consortium Hulpmiddelen, so they get a realistic view of the existing shortages.)
How do you give us feedback?
We are very curious and interested to hear your feedback about the use of our items. Because we use 3D-printing, we are very flexible in making changes to the design and we have talented designers in our MAKERS4ALL community.
Disclaimer of Liability
MAKERS4ALL Nederland is a platform of independent volunteers, whose goal is to develop and supply 3D-printed items to make PPE for Covid19.
The full protective equipment is designed by individual volunteers and is shared under open source licenses. In order to optimally protect our volunteers legally, we would like to point out that you agree to the following agreements:
- MAKERS4ALL does not guarantee that the 3D-printed items, which are always made as a unique print, will work correctly or meet any legal requirements. This "exclusion of liability" is intended to indicate that MAKERS4ALL offers these designs without any form of warranty and excludes any liability for damage. Any use is entirely at your own risk. If something is wrong, we are of course happy to receive your feedback and we will gladly replace the 3D printed products with new ones.
- The recipient of the items to make the protectant accepts the risk of assembling the product and using it as a protectant against COVID-19.
- Risks include any injury due to damage or breakage, consumption or as a result of improper cleaning of the product.
- The design is not intended for commercial use and it should not be used for commercial purposes.
- The exclusion of warranty and liability applies to MAKERS4ALL but also to all volunteers who are affiliated with it or who have made or offered the designs.
- All information provided by MAKERS4ALL and persons associated with MAKERS4ALL is never intended to be used or to rely on the prevention of any health problem or disease.
On behalf of the MAKERS
Use of Face-Shields - articles/literature
To contribute to the search for the relevance of Face-Shields, we refer to the following articles:
1) Make sure you have washed your handes thoroughly.
2) Take a transparent sheet. This sheet should be punched on one side with a standard 4-hole punch (or 2x with a 2-hole punch on position 888) if not already.

3) Now attach the transparent sheet to the frame; starting on 1 side, put the pin of the frame through the outer hole of the sheet and make sure the end of the transparent sheet is NOT (yet) under the flap.

4) Now attach the transparent sheet to the pin on the other side. Keep the sheet slightly tilted, as shown in the picture below:

5) Now carefully twist the transparent sheet into place in the direction of the arrow, so that the pins at the front fall into the holes.
6) Tuck the end of the sheet under the flap:

7) You have now finished assembling.

8) Sometimes the face shield is not tight enough. You can then put a rubber band around the curly ends of the frame, around the back of your head.
9) It is important to clean the frame and transparent sheet regularly. You can find the cleaning instructions at the bottom of the page.
10) Detaching the sheet is done in exactly the opposite way as assembling.
Making your own adjustments
We have received feedback that some people find it annoying that the curly ends of the frame get stuck in their hair. If you do not need to hook a rubber band onto them, to keep the face shield in place, you can cut off the curly ends with a pair of nippers.
Some people find the legs of the frame pinch their heads. You can "adjust" the legs by putting the ends of the legs briefly in hot water (should be just off the boil). This makes the plastic soft and when you take it out of the water, the legs should be held in the right shape while they cool. You can do this again until the correct fit is achieved. Actually, just like the optician adjusts the legs of your glasses.
For some, the transparent sheet is too long, but you can easily shorten it yourself with scissors. (If you really cut the screen a lot shorter, for use as safety goggles, you should always combine it with other protective equipment for your nose-mouth area, such as a mouth mask).
Strap for over the head
If the face shield still slips, despite the elastic band around the curly ends of the frame, there is a slot on both sides.
You can attach a ribbon or elastic band to this, to have an extra band over your head, to keep the frame in place. See the images:
All our products are easy to clean and therefore very reusable !!
Instructions for cleaning
For all products, you can clean the parts by:
- .....putting them in soapy water. To make the soapy water, you can use, for example, all-purpose cleaner or washing-up liquid.
- NOTE: Use lukewarm or cold water for this. The 3D printed parts can deform when using too hot water.
- .....or cleaning them with alcohol.